Sunday 18 April 2010

A2 advance portfolio evaluation questions

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

The media has constructed many genres and sub genres over the decades, especially in relevance to the music industry. We decided to produce a music video for a popular and mainstream type of music; hence we chose a band which represented a pop/ rock mix. As we knew the specification required that we had to use an unsigned band we chose a popular genre, so that we could target a large demographic. We chose Tramp Etiquette as our band, not only for the genre reasons but because they where very good musicians who were serious about their career. As I knew the band it seemed wise to choose them, given the fact we knew we would probably need to make demands on them, but wouldn't have a budget to pay them with.

We did detailed research into the conventions of similar songs/videos in our chosen genre. The conventions of pop and rock music videos differ greatly, but this was largely in reference to the connotations of the song, they target audience and the band.

Some of the music videos and artists we resurached at this time included; Arctic Monkeys - Fake Tales of San Francisco, Kings of Leon - use somebody, The Fray - How to Save a Life and Avril Lavigne - Girlfriend. We chose to look at these artists and video's as they incorprated the same genre that we are creating a music video based on, but also target a simular audiance.

We also looked at directors of music videos to get a feeling of diffrent styles. We resurched the malloy's, who are two brothers that produce music video's together, the have produced and directed videos like; Avril Lavigne - Girlfriend and Demi Lavato. We really liked this style of directing that the Malloys have embraced. Their producrions are very much aimed at teenagers, with an air of innorcence about them, they use emotion rather than sex to premote their videos and are very sutible for the target audiance we are also aiming our production at. you can see the Demi Lovato video "here we go again" below. This video incorprates many of the same techniques we do, icluding; photo's being destroyed to simbolysis a realationship ending, a storyline mergerd with scence of the band playing and lots of diffrent camera angles and indervidual shots of performance.

Demi Lovato - Here We Go Again - Music Video (HQ)

Demi Lovato MySpace Music Videos

Our analysis helped us in which song to choose. Tramp Etiquette's song ‘Cheater’ told a story to the audience. I have incorprated the synopsis we created for the song below to help give an idea of how we interprated the song. and our initual ideas about how we would represent it.

We also chose this band as their target audience was not only relevant to us but it had a wider appeal. They told me in interview that they see their core audience as 12 – 30 year olds, of all class brackets and gender. I have been to places to see them play and there are children of 11 and 12 and then my parents who are 40 odd, yet both groups are still very happy to be dancing round to the music, it really does capture a vast audience. I believe this to be because they sing about such a range of subjects, in different styles, although they have their own style they are not so head strong about it that it would discourage other listeners. examples of this would be there.

Play Gigs
Quantcast src="" width=1 height=1>

Play Gigs
Quantcast src="" width=1 height=1>
Both these videos help to show case just what Tramp Etiquette are cabable of, they show them playing two songs which vary from the song cheater.

Both these videos help to show case just what Tramp Etiquette are capable of, they show them playing two songs which vary from the song cheater.

The generic connotations we took from the ‘Cheater’ song were ones of a character expressing their life story, often in relation to love and loss. In this sense, it was similar to the lyrics of other songs we textually analyzed, like Wham's ‘Last Christmas’. We also found that the pop music element of music video representation showed a very colorful portrayal, with a homely or normal setting, pretty people and often a range of close up and long shots to express emotion. The rock element, although colorful used slightly darker tones, we especially took this into account when showcasing the band, during the chorus of the video, for example we used a higher contrast filter and darkened the shot a little to give it not only a more professional feel, but also portray the rock element a little more.

Other ways we followed preexistent representations and connotations included; having teenagers to early 20’s in the video, as this not only mirror’s the ages of the band but thought the music video industry its very unlikely you will have older than 20 something’s in the video. We also chose to follow conventions in the way we told the story; it progresses over time and matched the lyrics, much like the award winning ‘You belong with me’ video by Taylor Swift.

We also decided to follow pre established conceptions by using post production editing effects like cube spins and having the images appear in succession to each other, then leading into the chorus.

We then decided to also challenge the conventions by incorporating our own take on this style of production. Unlike in some of the other videos we have studied our music genre was not strictly pop or rock, hence we could interpret and incorporate our own style of representation. We challenged the conventions by doing things like having the band only play in the chorus and not appear in the rest of the video, yes this was a brave choice as we could have chosen an unsigned band we didn’t know and just got them to allow us to use the song and get one of the actors to mine the lyrics, much like other productions did, but we thought it was very important to be able to showcase the band in the video as well. So this decision was mainly based on practical reasons, as well as creative ones. It was not feasible to have the band their for 2/3 days and shot for hours as they had rehearsals etc so we made the call that it was more important to have them in the video and only in the chorus than not in the video at all.

We also found during editing that it broke the story up really nicely, heightened suspense and created a more professional feel to the whole video. It also showed the band in the best possible light, their element, they're not actors, they are musicians. We also made two other out standing prominent challenges to the conventions the first was due to practical reasons, the location, it wasn’t ideal. As I have already discussed in my blog the disasters on filming day, the fact that our previous location was no longer available we had to move with a few hours notice, and the only location we could find was my grandma’s house, hence it didn’t represent he band culture and the target audience, it should have shown young decoration and a slightly edge colour scheme, instead of gold and cream. But it was all we had so we made the best out of it. We did this by only showing short sections of the house and by using filters on top of the shots to create a younger atmosphere. We also chose to have the main character, Eammon, at the end of the video, burning the photo’s of him and his girlfriend, rather than ending the story with him taking her back or it all being a dream, as many video’s have chosen to do in the past, we decide to do this for 2 main reasons, the first was to challenge the conventions, give it a more realistic feeling and it anchored the concept of him being left with the power and the ball in his court. We also chose to do this to abide by the conventions of creating the music video to mirror the lyrics, and the lyrics at the end say ‘you had the ball, but I scored the goal, if I wanna play again then baby I’ll let you know’ which very much left it open for interpretation as to how we where going to show that Eammon was left with the power. Another way in which we chose to follow conventions was by having a male band, male singer and representing this by having a male main character. As you may have noticed in many music ideas the lead in the story is often the same sex as the singer, of course there are acceptations to this rule, like the Nickelback song ‘Rock star’ where they have a mix of gender, sex’s and ages singer the lyrics, but usually the signer’s gender is represented in the video. This is another example of when we chose to follow conventions. Mainly the reason that chose us to either follow or challenge conventions centred around the idea that we would follow the conventions so that this un known band would achieve the widest possible spectrum of publicity as these conventions exist as they have been proven to work, and many independent sources have done years worth of market research figuring this out. Hence the main reasons we chose to challenge conventions existed because of practical or lyrical limitations, but all the challenges we made again the convention we made sure where still quite mainstream, yes something it’s a successful idea to shock and ore, but this usually works better with a pre established concept, genre, band or song.

How effective is the combination of your main project and ancillary tasks?

We decided to try and produce our ancillary tasks whilst still producing the video, hence they would be allot more relevant and we would be able to mix and match the media a lot easier. We also thought that it would be more productive, as we didn’t have long to complete the task, hence whilst one person was editing the video, the other 2 where starting on the ancillary tasks, although we all made sure we kept conferring and putting in our idea’s and helping each other out when necessary. When it came to choosing which ancillary tasks we were going to do, then we narrowed it down to where a poster, a magazine advert, an album cover or internet page. After allot of consideration we decided to brain storm idea’s for each of the ancillary tasks, this is when we decided to do some research into other ancillary item that accompanied related media, this is when we found the JLS matching collectable, CD case, poster and then personalised post cards, we liked this idea a lot because it appeals to the same target audience that we have, teenage girls being the majority of fans, although Tramp Etiquette does appeal to a vast range of fans, from the old to the young, male and female, of course this doesn’t take away, at the end of the day that they are a boy band, and teenage girls to swan over them.

We also came up with the idea that teenage girls, usually aged 11 – 18 often like memorabilia with pictures of the band on, because they often find the band members attractive, hence they want to be able to look at them on their merchandise, just like JLS concept, hence why this idea of collectable memorabilia would be such a marketing success. The other issue we had with this though is that we wouldn’t want to just copy the JLS concept, we wanted to make it our own, hence not produce identical products and we also where un sure of the way they had memorabilia for your favourite band member, we liked the idea of having the band as one collective item, so we chose to portray the band in two different colour schemes, these are the signature colours on their web site, purple and black, I believe this to be because the mise en scene of the band suggest, cool but edge, not one to follow conventions but not opposed to them, producing a style of music that shows main stream conformant but with a twist of originality, they also always perform in shirts and dress smartly, so the black and purple also help represent a sense of edginess but not to out of the ordinary, as well as smartness. We also incorporated the same shade of purple (which was very had to match exactly, but we did it) into the music video, when the band’s name appear and the title of the song at the beginning on the polorids.

Then after careful consideration we decided to choose the ancillary tasks of a poster and an album cover, we chose these because we thought they were the easiest and most successful to manipulate into the 2 colour collectable themes. We chose not to do a magazine advert or a web site as none of these where collectable, they were more vast media advertising, rather than the actual product, another reason for this is that after research we found tramp etiquette already had a very successful web page, that featured all their songs, band bio, a fan site, gig footage and their influences, so we thought we would chose the poster and DVD cover, this would also link much better to the video we were creating as we could link elements like the text colour and the band members through all 3 products. Then when our video was completed we could add it to their pre excising web site, so that we gain exposure. Another idea that we came up with, that wasn’t offered as an ancillary task was a design for the actual DVD itself. So we planned this as an extra task our selves, that we where to complete if we managed to produce the other articles in time. Fortunately we did work productively with tenacity and powered thought the video and other ancillary task; hence we then went on to produce the DVD design as well. This idea was a big success, as another group also produce a disk design once we had done ours. Once we had decided on our idea we started brain storming ideas, images, colour schemes, wording, titles and the content. We first decided on the formats on tasks, we chose In Design, an application of apple to produce out DVD cover, because it had the correct size template and it also incorporated the exact shade of purple that we wanted, as well as being very compatible with final cut express and photo shop. Which was incredibly important to merge the files and have obvious continuity between the products. We chose to show the band on each of the products as explained above, so when we shot the video we also did a photo shoot of the band, we photographed then in a sunny area on grass, playing around, then we went to a park and shot them all on the swings, then we shot them on green screen, we then thought we could developed idea’s using them as stimulus. We also got a one off impulsive shot of the bad walking away. We then started to plan our ancillary tasks, we first started by sketching out the templates, creating the colour schemes, we found that each collectable cover needed two colours present on it, so we chose the signature purple and then gold, and then the black and added white to it, we then added the titles, in the tramp etiquette signature way, then we images, we chose the posed image of the whole band on the front of the DVD cover, we used the green screen images, imported them into Photoshop, used the magnetic lasso to cut out the band, then replaced the green with the matching respective colour of the DVD cover, this looked very professional and gave an added continuity to the DVD cover, especially as the band where all in shirts and looking smart this co inside very well. We used the same image for both he covers, we then added an extra image on the back of the DVD, where the blurb usually is, we chose the image of the band walking away, this looked very nice as it’s welcoming on the front then closing on the back, and we then added the blurb just below the picture. Then for our poster we decide to complicate things a little more adding n the use of more extensive photo shop to have the picture of the band on the swings, all at different level on the poster, this looked fun and playful, we chose to maintain the connotation we had already established for the band by changing the back ground to the black or purple back ground of the poster, then we added in white or gold titles, then release dates of the DVD. When positioning the images, we made sure that we had Joe in the middle of the poster, as he is the lead singer and the front man of the band; hence he has the most recognisable face. We also made sure the band members where all at different heights on the swing, or off the swing in Tom’s case, but we did this to make it more interesting and eye catching. We also chose to use the same green screen photo shopped image on the actual DVD design, this then produced a professional simple but effective feel of continuity, having the same image on the DVD cover and on the DVD. The new media that we incorporated into the production of our ancillary tasks included the Apple and Adobe applications like; Photoshop, In Design, Live Type and final cut express, but we also used a Digital SLR camera to take top quality photos, as well as HD camcorder to film the band. We also used media such as YouTube, Flikr and issue to publish our documents and work, this is surely the most effective way of getting our message out, after all in February 2010, Twitter go its first 10n million posts, they estimated that it will be just over 300 days till they get their next 10 million, at this rate the internet and new media is definitely the way forwards for promoting out ancillary tasks. When considering the distribution we would chose for our tasks, we came up with, selling them in local shops, as the band is a well known local band, selling the DVD’s and memorabilia at their concerts, but also publishing the video on YouTube, due to the fact that they are not that well know, it would most properly be more beneficial to the word out there, rather than profit from the video and ancillary tasks immediately. What have you learned from your audience feedback? We found audience feedback to be one of the most useful evaluation and decision making tools whilst producing our music video, we found every decision we were stuck we would go and do audience research. As you can see our first initial questionnaire, the results after asking 30 people, 16 male and 14 female we found that Tramp Etiquette was a great band to choose, but also the brain storm idea’s we had put together seemed to be popular and favoured by the masses, this primary audience research proved successful, so we carried on with our idea’s. We also thought we would try out different type of research, hence we chose secondary research, meaning it was collected by other sources, we implemented this type to help us chose our ancillary tasks, and based on the JLS case study we chose to mimic this with our own twist. We also chose to do visual audience research, this tended to come allot later on in the production stages, but it involved showing different types of people, but especially the target audience, a few shots of the video and getting their opinions. The film when deciding on the type of music video we were going to make and deciding on the plot and song we decided to create a questionnaire with the following 6 questions; what is your favourite genre? How often do you listen to music? How important are the lyrics to you? When watching a music video what appeals to you? Do you like a story line in the music video? How often do you want to see the band in the music video? When looking back on these questions I have come to the conclusion that maybe not all of them where directly relevant, and that I would have been better to produce one questionnaire to find out what type of video the audience wanted, then a second asking about details of that video. Although this type of audience research we did find very useful and enjoyed being able to find real opinions from real people collected first hand. We also decided who better to get a real understanding of the song than to chat to the band its self, so we made a date and Charlotte and I went to chat t the band, we had some pre arranged questions, to get their responses on, as well as brining all the storyboards and planning we had done, to try and illustrate our idea’s as best as possible. We asked, what’s the message of the song? How would you want us to portray it? These are the idea’s we have already come up with, what do you think? Are there any sections where we have misinterpreted the song? The answers we got back from the band proved to be so useful, they explained to us that our original idea of having 4 or 5 guys she was dating was wrong and it was only meant to be one other guy, and also that the phrase “she had the ball, but I scored the goal” was meant to represent the boyfriend winning at the end of the day, not the girlfriend. We had not realised this at the time and this gave us a much more powerful end to the video, which was appreciated. The other idea’s we got from the band was to use Eammon as our main character, he is a friend of the lead singer, Joe, and we where struggling for a main actor and he was taking a gap year and did A level drama, so this was a perfect choice to fill the gap. The next time we decided to use audience feedback was after filming and during the editing stages, as soon as I had finished my first ruff edit of the video I burnt a copy onto disk, then asked a range of people, but mainly the target audience, we would then expand this and show clips from our semi finished video, or different effects we had used in the same frames, then we didn’t lead them in any questions, but simply asked for their comments, constructive and positive. Some of the quotes we received included; • “It doesn’t look professional enough” • “I’m not sure, but does the music match in places” • “It take you a while to realise that she is cheating on him, it’s not predominantly evident” • “Its missing something” • “the middle bit, where they are giving her gifts is a bit boring” • “I liked it, it’s just not amazing” So we then worked from this feedback and established solutions to the problems and re did parts and added filter and took allot more time over matching up the music to the video, using markers and very careful planning. We also made a point of adding the titles ‘cheater’ to the beginning of the video to make it more obvious, but we did this in subtle way, using a live type ‘ribbon’ effect in the bands d=signature colour once again to carry on the established continuity. After doing this visual research many times, often to the same group of people, so they could make a comparison, but then also to new people to get a fresh look, we decided on a finished article, then we decided the final piece of audience research we would conduct was to release the video onto YouTube, especially as this is one of the fastest growing new media’s on the internet, being created in 2005, selling for 1.65 billion in 2006 and now serving every region in the world, we thought there was no better forum to get public feedback from all variety of people, although we would not be able to then edit our video again, it would provide us with others options for the next project we created. We have had over 200 views to date, but still no comments. Ancillary task For our ancillary task, the DVD cover and the poster, we decided to first look into secondary audience research, we found that JLS had released a set of collectible memorabilia, to boost sales figures, although we were not trying to sell our ancillary task, we did like the collectable concept, so we decided to produce 4 ancillary tasks instead of two, with the idea that a colour theme of purple or black would be the collectable part, we also managed to ouch ourselves to add another 2 tasks onto that and create a design for the actual DVD. We also decided to do our own first hand research as well, we chose to ask people in our class and teachers what they thought of the concept, everyone agreed it was an original and interesting idea, that was sure to be successful, if we where able to find enough time to produce 6 ancillary tasks, and a music video, which luckily enough we managed to organise ourselves well enough to allow for this. How did you change your ideas in the planning stages after research? The main conclusion we drew form our audience research defiantly had to be that we wouldn’t have been able to make such a successful music video without all the information, opinions and comments we received from audience feedback. I believe with the great amount of audience feedback we put into our work we managed to conform to the majority of the audiences needs, we tried to avoid challenging conventions where possible as it is always a tossup as to whether it will be successful. We did attempt to break the mould thought by copying the collectible idea, just to make sure that our project wasn’t to similar to everyone else’s, we had to make it stand out. I defiantly think this appealed to audience needs as it provides a sense of excitement without the risk of challenging the conventions too much, the only main reason I could think of as to why it wasn’t as well received as it could have possibly have been was due to the fact that both our set and actors changed on the day of filming, all due to individual reasons, mentioned on my blog, but the 4 weeks of planning we had put into mise en scene, atmosphere and actor selection had all gone down the drain within 24 hours of our only chance to shoot the video. If I got the chance to re do the video, knowing what I know, I defiantly would have made some changes, I would have re thought the location, incorporated the band into the video more, but I also would have possibly chosen a more un known song so that we could have an actor sinning all the way though the video like the other groups did, as this did provide more stability and continuity. The use of media technologies featured greatly in the production, planning of our music video, as the first generation to have grown up with the internet, these new and expanding media technologies have become second nature to us, and hence we found the use of media technologies helped us allot. We used internet forums and social networking sites like Facebok, emails and be able to stay in contact with each other, especially over the October half term holiday, were non of us where at school. We made filming schedule, contact sheets, plan, props, actors and all other information not only in hard copies, but we also put soft copies online, so that no one would be unprepared. We also used MySpace and hotmail to communicate allot with the band, for instance the permission email they sent us, which is published on the blog. We also used websites like, and to publish our video, ancillary tasks, planning, production, findings and any other information we could get our hands on, we chose to do it like this, not only for reasons of simplicity, but also to support the new age media concept and to showcase how websites like this are changing the way we learn.

We also used other forms of media technologies with in the production of our video, we used allot of digital stills, for our ancillary tasks, actually video and our planning and devaluation, we shot these with ah mix of a hand held 10 megapixel camera and a digital SLR, we also used Photoshop to create the effect of a Polaroid camera, as otherwise it would have cost us £1.60 per shot. (POLORIOD) We also made a decision at the beginning of the task to shoot in High Definition, as it would give a much more professional feel and the difference in quality would be excellent, unfortunately we shot the band in HD 2 weeks before the rest of the film and due to un foreseen mistakes we were unable to shoot the rest of the video in HD, hence there had to be some very careful post shooting editing, to not make this mishap look obvious. Another challenge we had with the editing of the video was trying to sync the music to the band, none of us in the group where particularly musical, hence it was very hard to link the guitar and drum solo’s to the song, but we used markers on final cut express and after many attempts managed to get it perfect. Another syncing issue we had was aligning the Cubase directors commentary into the song and video, but this we found to be easier and easier the more we practised. Another new piece of media technology that we used, that none of us had even heard of before was a piece of equipment that you plug in to control the lights, we used this whilst filming the band, it changed the speed of the lights flashing to fit the rhythm of the music, this had a great effect on the ambiance. We used a RGB filter and adjusted the Gamma on most of the bands shots, we did this after as the video had allot more pop elements rather than rock in it, hence we added a slight purple hint in places which compromised and contrasted with this nicely. As well as playing with the contrast on the first bedroom shot as it came out very orange. We also added cube spin to the middle part of the song, quick time transition effects are very much a pop element so we thought this would fit nicely with the pop connotation. Editing gave it a much more professional meaning, the filters, contrasts as, transitions, text all gave the video its meaning of a pop rock genre, which would have been much harder to achieve if it wasn’t for the abundance of new media technology available

At last ..... The finished product

This is the Music video produced for Tramp Etiquette ‘Cheater’ by Danni Gisbourne, Charlotte Lowe and Bobbi Gosen

This is the Directors comentry produced by Danni Gisbourne, Charlotte Lowe and Bobbi Gosen to accompany the music video

Mad panic week

Seven days to go
So with 7 days until the dead line I re evaluated the story board and brain stormed idea’s, I came up with concepts like; the girl doing the same thing with each man, for instance waking up with both of them, but thought not only is that very similar to the second verse, but also not entirely appropriate for the younger fans of the band, I also came up with an idea of having the words “Cheater” flash up in different parts of the video, but then thought that might make it a little un professional and also messy looking as well as even more confusing to the audience and detrimental to the flow of the video. The other idea I came up with was using technology, so I decided to re shoot the first verse, and mapped out a new story board showing, once she had left the room, she open a text, from ‘tom’ saying “hey sexy, waiting outside” this obviously contrasted better as we have just seen her say good bye to her boyfriend in the bedroom. We then kept the next shot of her walking down stairs and out the front door, up the driveway, but then instead of having her just get in the car with Tom, we shot her walking down the road a little more, being a little more hesitant, and looking more nervous than checking around for people watching, then getting in the car and driving away, instead of happily bouncing in to the car and driving away, which was the original idea, so upon deciding this firstly checked with the rest of the group to make sure they were ok with me changing it, which they both agreed was the right move, and liked the idea’s I came up with, I then finalised the plans, props, contacted the set we have used previously and managed to get a slot for the next day, called my sister (the actress) and managed to get her to be available tomorrow, booked some last minute equipment out, and then got ready to film the next morning.

Six Days to Go
Once I get into school, I collect the equipment, then quickly ring round my group to see if any of them are around to help, unfortunately they are both busy, so I took the equipment, planning documents, collect my sister, then head of to the set, it was a very productive morning, as it was only the two of us though, it did take a little longer, so we stayed until lunch time, then dropped her back then came back to school, with the hopes of being able to digitise the footage that afternoon and evening, unfortunately on way out of the media room I fell down the steps and sprained my ankle, so ended up being sent to hospital, which wasn’t very productive. So didn’t manage to finish digitising the footage.

Five Days to Go
Luckily it was only a sprain, so I managed to get back in the next day and carry on digitising the footage, I only had one hour’s worth of free lessons on this day so I finished digitising during that period, then started ruff cutting and editing in the evening. I spent 3 hours after school working on this, but then had to go home so left it ready to be finished in the next few days.

Four Days to Go
I spent every free second I had cutting, editing, laying the sound over, aligning, filtering, adding dissolves, matching colours and lights. But finally in the evening managed to get the new first verse into the video and run the whole thing smoothly, so I then burnt a copy of this version on the video onto yet another DVD and took it home to show a few people. The comments I got included “much better, it’s so much clearer and easier to watch” “it looks really professional, and entertaining” “o wow that’s so much better” which all these comments made me think that it was easier to understand, especially as I showed it to someone who hadn’t seen the previous versions and they understood the plot straight off. So I was pleased with the result, now just to finish touching up the ancillary tasks.

Three Days to Go
Once I had shown the changes to the rest of my group, who all agreed it was much better. We finished working on the ancillary tasks, Bobbi had almost finished Cutting out the Band members, so I took one of them and so did charlotte, and we managed to finish cutting them out in the next hour, so we then added in the back ground and put them into the magazine advert, Bobbi then added the titles. Then I started on the final ancillary task, the DVD cover, this was fairly easy and managed to add in the colour scheme, photos and text.

Two Days to Go
With two days to we managed to finish the DVD cover and Magazine advert quite early on in the day. So with a few hours to the deadline, after checking everything I decided to create a design for the CD as we had check and double checked everything and had a spare few hours. We made the back ground colour purple or black, and then added a picture of the band, and the song title.

One Day to Go
We finished the CD design and did a final run through of everything. Once we had made sure it was all complete and of a high standard, we put all the ancillary tasks in to a folder and exported the video into QuickTime, ready to play and load onto you tube etc.
Exporting the footage

Deadline Day
We handed in the finished pieces on the deadline, but I was very pleased with the standard, and think it was well worth the extra effort to make it of a higher standard. I’m pleased with the quality and the tenacity in which I worked, and proud of the final product.

Our first evaluation

Once I had finished editing the basic footage and aligning the chorus I then started fine tuning the editing, making the cuts sharper and adding dissolves and effects, as well as filming the title shot. Once I had done all of this, I thought it was basically finished, so I burned a copy of the music video onto a DVD and then decided to show it to a range of people, male and female, ages; 14- 20 and 20 + this post editing feedback gave me a much needed outside view, as I believed it was not yet quite up to standard. So upon showing it to 6 people the main feedback we received was “it doesn’t look professional enough” “it take you a while to realise that she is cheating on him, it’s not predominantly evident” “its missing something” and “the middle bit, where they are giving her gifts is a bit boring” so taking these comments on board with 14 days to go I started spending all my free time editing the music video, I added filters, playing and adjusting the gamma, RGB balance mix, adjusting the light levels and using dissolves, and cube rotations, which made it look more professional, and made the middle bit more interesting. I then burned this version onto a disk and showed a few of the same people and a few more to get more feedback on the changes and any further ideas. The comments that came back where “it looks more professional” “I like how the middle part spins, it makes it look like it’s doing four rotations of a cube” “I like the band being darker, it seems more impressive” but we also got a few comments saying “it’s still not very evident that she is cheating before the first chorus” and “so is she cheating on him” which isn’t a good sign.

Starting editing

We decided each to take a main job within the project, I was to digitise and edit the video, and Bobbi was going to do the Magazine cover and charlotte was going to help us both. So I started digitising, editing and cutting and Bobbi started cutting out the photos of the band on Photoshop, using a magnetic wand. We decided to run these tasks simultaneously as it was only practical for one person to take on one task at a time and although every one can give input, we thought it would be more practical to multi task, do our own project and help others and advise when they needed it.

Filming day disasters

We have planned to film during the second week of the October half term, due to the actors we are only able to film on one day, where everyone was available, so we were going to take the full day, get it done and then have it all ready to digitise in the next lesson.
With everything being so planned out I felt fine about going on holiday for the first week and I was to get back 1 day before the day of filming, this was all going very smoothly until I got home and found out that my mum had decided to re decorate and re wallpaper the majority of the walls on the spare of the moment decision. So with not set, I quickly racked my brains to think of somewhere that was close and that the owner wouldn’t mind us using their house for a day, I came up with my grandma’s house, she was very willing and lovely about it. So with that issue sorted I went to sleep. The next morning I woke up in a panic, as I hadn’t managed to find out if either of the girls picked up all the equipment we ordered for filming whilst I had been away, after phoning round found they had both forgotten, so with no equipment, a recent change of set, I phoned up grace to tell her the changes, who then decided she could help after all as she was busy, so with no actress, a new set and no equipment I decided to call the rest of my group to see if they had any ideas on what we should do, eventually I realised that we needed to get hold of one f the teachers at the school to be able to get the equipment, although Mr Van Straten was away in France, I did manage to get hold of Mr Wellington who absolutely saved the day by coming into school and lending us the equipment, which we had planned to be; 1 HD camcorder, a tri pod, a charging cable, although someone had taken the HD camera we had booked, hence we had to use a normal one, that we didn’t realise till later on was broken and wouldn’t hold a charge. Whilst I was in school getting the equipments I received a text from Jerome informing me that he would no longer be able to be in the video, with only a few hours until we started filming, this was becoming a bit of a problem. As soon as I got home with the equipment, I called the rest of the group to let them know I had fixed that problem, and then got them all phoning round to see who else we could find at such short notice to be in our music video. Eventually I managed to get hold of my friend Tom, who agreed he would shoot the video, although he had a driving lesson a 5 so we could only go until them, but the bride of a pizza worked a treat. By this time I realised that Eammon was due to arrive any minuet, so after phoning about 20 girls I eventually begged by sister, Harriet to be in the video, she desperately didn’t want to do it as she is quite shy, but she agreed as she could see how much I was struggling. Just as I sorted that problem Eammon arrived, and after explaining the problems of the day and showing him the plans for the rest of the day, he pointed out that it was unlikely for the photo’s to burn naturally. So with this new conundrum I jumped Eammon and Harriet in the car to go and buy some mentholated spirit to soak the photos in so they would burn. Once I got back to the house it was only a short time until Charlotte arrived, and after filling her in on all the disaster of the morning, we went to pick up Tom and head to my grandma’s house, as Bobbi wasn’t there yet.
When Bobbi arrived I left her and Charlotte at my grandma’s house with Tom to help change the house around, to help create the appropriate mise en scene for the video, we have decided this should represent a feeling of a young couple that the audience could relate to, hence nothing to expensive and quite modern décor. For instance this included moving expensive paintings and old fashioned items, such as statues and pillows.
I then went to take photos of Harriet and Eammon as a happy couple, so we had photo’s to burn at the end, this went well and I made a point of buying a pumpkin so they would have something to anchor them in a time frame, as well as some summer shots in the garden, and some with falling levels to give the impression that time was passing.
When I get back to the house Bobbi and Charlotte have done a fab job of creating the mise en scene, so we start to film, the first shot we filmed was Harriet walking out of the bedroom and saying goodbye to Eammon. We then decided to film Harriet coming out of the house and walking up the drive, the first few times we did this Tom and Bobbi where inside, but the next time we did it they had come out to join us, and as Harriet closed the door behind her, we all had this sinking feeling, as we knew the key had been locked inside.
Unfortunately when I tried to call my grandma to see if she had a spare key any where I found out she was in the cinema, so she couldn’t answer, so upon calling my mum and uncle to see if they had a spare key to my grandma’s house, I ended up having to get the key of my uncle in Aylesbury to be able to get into the house again. (During this time we got Tom his Pizza)
Once we managed to get back into the house, we decided we needed to change the order of the shots as it was starting to get dark and Tom had to leave me about an hour, so we prioritized the shots with tom in and managed to do them first.

This included shots like the changing person scene on the sofa, we set the camera up in a set angle for this shot and didn’t move it at all, but simply changed the actors around, and this allowed us to create the effect of a jump between the boyfriends.
Some of shots we shot up stairs in the morning showed an orange tint we worked out this was because the general colour on the walls as either orange or gold, warm colours so we sorted this issue out during editing, we used different filters and cooled down the colour contrast to give the same appearance as the down stairs shots. When filming we used mainly two shots, or mid shots, which gave the audience a feeling of inclusion, although we did make sure to include high angle shots to show vulnerability during the end scene, but then show an empowering shot of Eammon walking away to highlight the fact that he is left with the power, this brakes
Many pre existing media conations, but is an effective and individual end to our particular story.
Then just as tom needed to go, we managed to fill the rest of Eammon's indoor shots, then we needed to film the outside shot of the photo’s bringing, there were two problems with this; 1) the camera had no charge and would only last for about 2 mins without being plugged in. 2) we had no light. This is when Charlotte came up with the cleverest suggestion in the world, to drive my car down and use the car lights to provide light, and just be very productive with our filming to get it done in two mins. So we managed to do this, at the very split second the camera cut out we managed to get our final shot.
Finally we had finished filming!!! So all that was left to do was to clear up the house, tidy the equipment away and everyone went home and dropped Eammon home then went home myself.

Exhausting day!!

Bumps along the road

Once we had filmed the band and started digitising some of the footage, we realised we might have a few problems in our original planning arising. We looked into filming in a cafe, but we realised that not only would it be very difficult to get permission, but also to be able to stop people walking in and out of the shots and it would be very noisy in the back ground. So in all reality this option just wasn’t feasible so we changed the scene and made it so the girl had the other guy in her lounge and then her boyfriend walked in, this worked much better as it made the girl seem allot more flippant with the relationship.

The other bump we found that was the original boyfriend, Duddy had taken a trip to the hairdressers and now looked allot to much like Jerome, and this might have gotten confusing in the quick changing shots, so we then were set with another task of finding a new, friendly faced but handsome boyfriend, I ended up contacting the band’s lead singer Joe, who put me in contact with Eammon Borg-Neil who was taking a gap year, and was a keen thespian. So after talking to Eammon on Facebook he agreed to be in our video. This was very good.

Filming the band

The arranged time to meet the band was at 1pm, so at 11.30 I popped into |Tesco to get some snacks and drinks for them, then met charlotte at school for 12 so we could start setting everything up, making sure that we would have no problems and aligning the camera, setting up the stage lighting, and creating a mise on scene of the bands image and the indie / pop/ rock video. We also used some coloured lights that we attached to this box which flashed the lights in time with the music; this made it feel very professional and looked fantastic. We also set up the CD on the overhead music system so that the band could play along to it.

Just as we had finished setting everything up the band turned up at 1. So we talked to them, told them what we wanted, helped them get set up, and just as we were starting to film Bobbi arrived to help so we had someone on each camera, we had 3 HD camera’s on wheeled tripods and all different heights, to make sure we could use our time as productively as possible, as the band had a recording session at 6. So we started to film, we did many takes and each time re arranged the camera to our pre arranged positions to achieve high shots, low shots, close ups, long shot, mid shot, shots from the left, shots from the right etc. We also filmed each member of the band individually for a full run though of the song to allow us to have a wide range of close ups to incorporate.

Once we had spent a good 2 hours filming, we quickly whisked the band away to get a few pictures for our ancillary task, I had remembered my camera and used one of the tripods from the camera’s, we shot the band on green screen, in a park and on grass, which gave us a wide choice for when we came to do our ancillary projects.

But finally we managed to finish and let the band get to their recording studio, just a little after schedule, then it was just the clearing up left, so once I did that I went to my car, and as Bobbi and Charlotte had already left I realised I had locked my car keys inside the hall, so had to run round to find the groundskeeper to let me back in, then finally I got home and slept!

Ancillary tasks

We had 3 options to choose for our ancillary tasks; a magazine advert, a DVD cover or a web page. Upon discussing the options we decided to go for the magazine advert and the DVD cover, we chose as we had an idea to produce to collectable colour schemes for the band, one that we already use, which is a deep purple and gold, or one that we chose which is a slightly more sophisticated. we got this idea from researching album covers done in the past and realised JLS had just done and similar thing, which of course if you have one colour scheme then encourages the consumer to buy the rest of the range, meaning bigger profits of the band, we added this colour scheme, not only onto a Magazine advert and DVD cover but also onto the actual CD and DVD.

We also looked at the 25 best album covers as voted for my Rolling Stone readers, something we noticed is that none of the covers are to crowed, they are eye catching, understated and quite a few use silhouettes, we chose to use one of the picture we had taken on the swings of the band, we edited the photo in photo shop, cutting the picture out s there was no back ground then put the four band members on swings next to each other, but we had them posing at all different heights, so it also made the cover a little more interesting, we then switched the colour scheme, added in some text and a date for the album.
For our DVD cover we kept to the same two colour scheme, but changed the pictures, we were originally going to use the same eddied photos, then we were going to use one of the band on a see saw, but both of these covers looked to familiar, a little boring and un professional, so we chose to use two pictures, one on the front, and one on the back. The front one was more classic of the band on a green screen posing and facing the camera, that we then just edited the green to be black or purple, and then added the picture onto the cover, using the band’s name above and the song title below the picture. We then chose to use one of the final photo’s we took of the band, of them walking away, we liked this photo as it makes the DVD cover look more interesting. One of the biggest problems we had was using the purple for the colour scheme, as we had to match the shade the band chose, to the DVD cover, magazine advert, CD and DVD, we used to different types of software to create our ancillary tasks, so obviously we couldn’t just use a standard colour, so I ended up creating out on colour scheme and saving it to the hard drive. This then made the whole project. I liked these ideas as they were simple but interesting and also look professional.

We also looked at the bands style on ancillary products, this was their first album artwork and it is a humours one that plays on their name, with the tramp hands holding an a tea cup. This is very much a first album cover though, show casing the band and what they stand for rather than conforming to song genre or pre established themes that fit with the connotations of the song, as the majority of album covers do.

Putting our plans into action – meeting the band

After finalising our idea’s I contacted Duncan who is the bands manager, to arrange a date that we could all attend, after a few attempts we managed to decided on the 8th of October, so we made our final plans and created a booklet of information with all our planning items in to present to Tramp Etiquette in a professional way.
When it came to the day of meeting Tramp Etiquette unfortunately Bobbi had other plans so she wasn’t able to attend but Charlotte and I met with the band in Tring, where they come from and ran though our ideas, they liked the concept allot and where very excited to be having a video made from them.
We asked if they had any constructive criticisms for us, the only one they could come up with is that at the end of the video they boyfriends gets his own back and gets over the girl, so after talking this idea through with them, we realised we wouldn’t have enough time to show him getting his revenge, but we would close the video with a sign that he is over her, hence the setting the photo’s alight. But other than this they were delighted with the idea, so we then set a date and time to film them and said our goodbyes

Brain storming ideas – finalised plans

This You Tube clip shows Myself, Charlotte and Bobbi explaining our idea's.

Brain storming ideas – finalised plans (cast)

We have finally finished finalising the plot, and am now just considering the characters, after looking at two cheating video’s Avril Lavigne ‘Girlfriend’ and Taylor Swift ‘You Belong With Me’ and Wham ‘Last Christmas’ which can be seen below.

Both of these videos shown give very different representations of a girl who cheats on her boyfriend, you have the Avril Lavigne version, of a dark haired girl, who is quite an indie girl, who wares skinny jeans, and is pretty, but looks quite rebelish.

Then next example is in the Wham video, where the girl who cheats on her boy friend, although in the 80’s so the fashions might be a little out dated, she also has dark hair, but this time its short and curly, she though once again is a pretty person, although this is most properly due to the fact that the large majority of people in music videos are good looking people.

The final example we had of a girl who cheats on her boyfriend is a few scenes in the Taylor Swift video, where the dark haired Taylor, kisses another man in front of her boyfriend, this character once again has dark hair and is pretty, but much like Avril’s video has a subtle sly qualities about her, she looks mean and strong willed.

From these connotations we took that our actress should have a dark haired actress, who has a confidence about herself, we chose the dark hair as it is more of an indie culture thing, and that one of the target audience we are appealing too. But apart from that we could really pick from a wide range of actress’

So after considering this for a while, I thought of my friend Grace, who does A level drama, she is pretty, has dark hair and a quite confidence about her. I thought this would be perfect, so when suggesting this to the group they all seemed to think it would be a good idea. So I talked to grace and she wasn’t sure if she would be able to do it or not, so when telling this to the group I agreed if worst came to worst then I would be the actress in the video, as it was my friend that would not be able to do it. I also agreed to be in the photos for planning the video as grace wasn’t often available.

We also had a think for our male actors; we needed two actors, who both looked quite different from each other, so in the quick snap shots it would be easy to tell them apart. We steeled on two of the guys from our class, Duddy and Jerome.

Brain storming ideas – Researching Techniques

Whilst we were planning the video I had the idea’s of making the guys she was with change in movement, we thought about this idea for a while as it was going to be very hard to achieve continuity within the scene, so after talking to Mr. Van Straten, we found that I would be possible, but very difficult, so from here we decided to look at other examples of how real media have completed this task. We decided first of all to look at the Scrubs beginning, which is where I got the idea from, then after a bit of research we found that there have been a series of 3 next adverts that have also used this technique. As well as a few copy cats of the idea that I have embed below.

The other technique that i also suggested was to incorporate a Brady Bunch beginning section into the middle chorus to liven it up a bit. This technique I think will work well, especially as it looks quite impressive and after about 30 mins trying to figure out how to do it on Final Cut Express it was quite simple to complete.

Brainstorming and idea – planning the video

We decided that the best way for us to come up with ideas for our music video would be to brainstorm, so I contacted Tom, who is the bass guitarist for Tramp Etiquette, who sent me a copy of the lyrics, this gave the group an opportunity to decode the meaning and get a better understanding of the song.

After spending some time looking at the lyrics and everyone thinking of idea’s we decided to create a story bored of our idea’s, we have ended up creating a new story board as we needed to change some aspects of it, once we started planning in greater detail, as well as neatening it up as my drawing were not really the best in the world.

Original story board

New story board
(just waiting for this to be up loaded onto

We have also created a synopsis for the story of the video as we thought this would be a good way to explain all the details and the plot.

I have also created a plan which incorporates the different angled shots and a more careful plan of the details, this can be seen below.

Brainstorming and idea – Research (related video’s)

We also decided to look at some other music video’s which incorporate the concept of cheating, we found that the most popular included;

1.) I heard it through the grape vine – Marvin Gaye
2.) Jolene – Dolly Parton
3.) Me and Mrs. Jones – Billy Paul
4.) Lips of an angel – Hinder
5.) It wasn’t me – Shaggy
6.) Secret lover – Atlantic Starr
7.) Cry me a river – Aerosmith/Justin Timberlake
8.) Careless Whisper – George Michael
9.) Before he cheats – Carrie Underwood
10.) Jealous guy – John Lennon

Although these video’s have the same topic as our video, they don’t really incorporate the same styles as our video, hence we then chose to look at some videos that where in the indie / rock / pop category. The video’s we chose to look at and explore, included;

1.) Arctic Monkeys - Fake Tales of San Francisco

2.) Kings of Leon - use somebody

3.) The Fray - How to Save a Life

Unfortunately i am unable to embed this video into my blog, but the website is;!v=UksIFm8Ru6s&feature=related

4.) Avril Lavigne - Girlfriend

unfortunately the embedding has also been disable on this video, but as before the website is;

from watching theses video’s we chose cretin conventions that popped up in all of them, that our audience might expect to see when watching the music video.

1.) Shot at life performances/on stage

This concept is often seen in an indie/rock video, it allows the audience to feel as if they have their own insight into the band as well as providing a way for the audience to experience the atmosphere at one of their live performances. Our research has shown that the majority of bands for this genre showcase themselves performing on stage, as you can see in the two examples below from the ‘Arctic Monkeys’ and ‘Kings of Leon’ although our audience research did prove that the audience is more than happy just to see the band during the chorus, so we are going to test our own editing skills by aiming to provide continuity whist bending the conventions to produce a original video that pleases the needs of the masses.

2.) Varying use of camera angles

using lots of different angles, being long shots, mid shots, close ups, extreme close ups, high angle shots low angle shots, two shots and so provides a more interesting feel to the video and it has somewhat become a connotation of a music video to alter the shots, as we can see in the examples below.

single shots

we have decided that having each band member show cased at different periods during the video, especially during a solo or particularly impressive section of playing will not only give them a little more lime light, that just having whole band shots, but it will help break up the chorus, so the audience don’t get bored.
In the examples shown above the close up on the guitars allow the audience to make a visual and auditory connection, as well as creating a mise en scene feeling.

Group shots – high and low angle
another highly used real media concept is incorporating group shots of the band, not only to give a collective feel, but to help you experience the chemistry between them. This is often used in pop/rock and indie music videos. We also found that angled shots and long shots help establish a setting for the band, whether it is on stage or playing at a gig or in a set up studio. This also helps to amplify the differences between the storyline and the band.

Close ups
close ups are also another very prominent technique used in these established conventions, these close ups are often done of the singers in the band; it’s a way to show case their instruments, just like the single shots, but in a more interesting way. This also helps the audience feel connected to the song as it allows the emotions felt by the singer to shine through.

We also learnt that special effects is a common convention used in music video’s:

At 0.56 seconds of The Fray, the image changes and a blur is created and the image starts to pulse, this is possibly used to represent that fact of tears, almost as if the audience is crying, the song is a very sad song about death and this effect if very effective

At 0.30 seconds of Kings of Leon a slow dissolve is apparent of the city, this turns the city into an image of the lead singer, during this point in the video the musical interlude is slow, hence the dissolve is as effective as it’s appropriate to what the audience are hearing. The close up emphasises the emotion of pain and frustration on the singers face.

At 1.59 of the Arctic Monkeys, the pace of the video is speeded up, then slowed down to read the signpost, then speeded up again. The music at the time has a fast tempo hence the pace of the clip represents the speed of the music, giving a feeling of continuity. It also provides the audience with the concept of being in a car.

Brainstorming and idea – Research (questionnaire analysis 3)

The next set of questions we asked were asked to give us an idea of more specific tastes, what the audience want to see in a music video, what’s important to them, what’s not, these are much more personal taste questions, that will help us plan our video.

The first question we asked was; how important the lyrics are in relation to the video? We decided to ask this question as we wanted to know if the target audience would listen to the lyrics and relate them to the video or if the video was just showcasing the bands talent at playing and not really in reference to the song.
Are results showed us that the large majority of people found it allot more appealing to shoe the connotations of the song with in the video?

This then lead nicely onto our next question; Do you like a storyline with the video? This question was similar to the question before, although it allowed a more in depth answer, we wanted to see if people really wanted to relate a story to the song.
The results we got from this were that about 70% of people did like to have some sort of story line in the video, whether it is very obvious or not.

The next question we asked was; what appeals to people when watching the video? We chose to ask this question as we wanted to know alongside a story what mattered to people, what caught their eye, what are this likes and dislikes.
The results we achieved from this question showed us that along with the story line, the band was also very important to the video, this made us tailor our last question to this.

From the results we have received in the last question, we decided to ask; how often do you want to see the band in the video? We decided to ask this question, as to get the band in and shoot them would be a lot more effort, but if it was what the audience defiantly wanted and it would improve the video then it would be well worth it.
The results from this question confirmed that the audience defiantly did want the band in the video, but to the majority they were only really bothered about seeing them in the chorus and enjoyed having a story line running though the rest of the video, so we decided to incorporate this into our video, along with a prominent storyline.

Brainstorming and idea – Research (questionnaire analysis 2)

The next two questions we asked was to build an image of the type of people we were questioning, getting to know their tastes and styles, firstly we did this by asking; What is your favourite music genre? This allowed us to make sure the band we had chosen fitted in with he tastes of the majority, as obviously an unsigned band, writing their own songs are going to have much more success with a mainstream genre that is widely liked, hence their music video is watched more, rather than an obscure genre, that few are fans off. Not only would people be less likely to watch the video, but it would be allot harder to get audience feedback from the target audience, as they would be fewer and further between.
The results we gathered from this question did confirm our previous conceptions that indie, rock and pop are the most popular genres and that we have picked a band with the correct genre that appeals to the masses. You can see this from the results below.

The next question we asked was; how often do you listen to music? This allowed us to establish our own conventions about the target audience and get a first hand answer to results that allowed us to once again build a wider picture of the target audience.
As you can see the results we gathered once again backed up our preconceptions by proving that the majority of people listen to music every day. This confirms that the random selections we have picked to carry out are primary research on to conform to the typical stereotype of person in that age range. This is useful for our results.