Sunday 18 April 2010

Brain storming ideas – Researching Techniques

Whilst we were planning the video I had the idea’s of making the guys she was with change in movement, we thought about this idea for a while as it was going to be very hard to achieve continuity within the scene, so after talking to Mr. Van Straten, we found that I would be possible, but very difficult, so from here we decided to look at other examples of how real media have completed this task. We decided first of all to look at the Scrubs beginning, which is where I got the idea from, then after a bit of research we found that there have been a series of 3 next adverts that have also used this technique. As well as a few copy cats of the idea that I have embed below.

The other technique that i also suggested was to incorporate a Brady Bunch beginning section into the middle chorus to liven it up a bit. This technique I think will work well, especially as it looks quite impressive and after about 30 mins trying to figure out how to do it on Final Cut Express it was quite simple to complete.

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