Sunday 18 April 2010

Our first evaluation

Once I had finished editing the basic footage and aligning the chorus I then started fine tuning the editing, making the cuts sharper and adding dissolves and effects, as well as filming the title shot. Once I had done all of this, I thought it was basically finished, so I burned a copy of the music video onto a DVD and then decided to show it to a range of people, male and female, ages; 14- 20 and 20 + this post editing feedback gave me a much needed outside view, as I believed it was not yet quite up to standard. So upon showing it to 6 people the main feedback we received was “it doesn’t look professional enough” “it take you a while to realise that she is cheating on him, it’s not predominantly evident” “its missing something” and “the middle bit, where they are giving her gifts is a bit boring” so taking these comments on board with 14 days to go I started spending all my free time editing the music video, I added filters, playing and adjusting the gamma, RGB balance mix, adjusting the light levels and using dissolves, and cube rotations, which made it look more professional, and made the middle bit more interesting. I then burned this version onto a disk and showed a few of the same people and a few more to get more feedback on the changes and any further ideas. The comments that came back where “it looks more professional” “I like how the middle part spins, it makes it look like it’s doing four rotations of a cube” “I like the band being darker, it seems more impressive” but we also got a few comments saying “it’s still not very evident that she is cheating before the first chorus” and “so is she cheating on him” which isn’t a good sign.

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