Sunday 18 April 2010

Brain storming ideas – finalised plans (cast)

We have finally finished finalising the plot, and am now just considering the characters, after looking at two cheating video’s Avril Lavigne ‘Girlfriend’ and Taylor Swift ‘You Belong With Me’ and Wham ‘Last Christmas’ which can be seen below.

Both of these videos shown give very different representations of a girl who cheats on her boyfriend, you have the Avril Lavigne version, of a dark haired girl, who is quite an indie girl, who wares skinny jeans, and is pretty, but looks quite rebelish.

Then next example is in the Wham video, where the girl who cheats on her boy friend, although in the 80’s so the fashions might be a little out dated, she also has dark hair, but this time its short and curly, she though once again is a pretty person, although this is most properly due to the fact that the large majority of people in music videos are good looking people.

The final example we had of a girl who cheats on her boyfriend is a few scenes in the Taylor Swift video, where the dark haired Taylor, kisses another man in front of her boyfriend, this character once again has dark hair and is pretty, but much like Avril’s video has a subtle sly qualities about her, she looks mean and strong willed.

From these connotations we took that our actress should have a dark haired actress, who has a confidence about herself, we chose the dark hair as it is more of an indie culture thing, and that one of the target audience we are appealing too. But apart from that we could really pick from a wide range of actress’

So after considering this for a while, I thought of my friend Grace, who does A level drama, she is pretty, has dark hair and a quite confidence about her. I thought this would be perfect, so when suggesting this to the group they all seemed to think it would be a good idea. So I talked to grace and she wasn’t sure if she would be able to do it or not, so when telling this to the group I agreed if worst came to worst then I would be the actress in the video, as it was my friend that would not be able to do it. I also agreed to be in the photos for planning the video as grace wasn’t often available.

We also had a think for our male actors; we needed two actors, who both looked quite different from each other, so in the quick snap shots it would be easy to tell them apart. We steeled on two of the guys from our class, Duddy and Jerome.

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