Sunday 18 April 2010

Mad panic week

Seven days to go
So with 7 days until the dead line I re evaluated the story board and brain stormed idea’s, I came up with concepts like; the girl doing the same thing with each man, for instance waking up with both of them, but thought not only is that very similar to the second verse, but also not entirely appropriate for the younger fans of the band, I also came up with an idea of having the words “Cheater” flash up in different parts of the video, but then thought that might make it a little un professional and also messy looking as well as even more confusing to the audience and detrimental to the flow of the video. The other idea I came up with was using technology, so I decided to re shoot the first verse, and mapped out a new story board showing, once she had left the room, she open a text, from ‘tom’ saying “hey sexy, waiting outside” this obviously contrasted better as we have just seen her say good bye to her boyfriend in the bedroom. We then kept the next shot of her walking down stairs and out the front door, up the driveway, but then instead of having her just get in the car with Tom, we shot her walking down the road a little more, being a little more hesitant, and looking more nervous than checking around for people watching, then getting in the car and driving away, instead of happily bouncing in to the car and driving away, which was the original idea, so upon deciding this firstly checked with the rest of the group to make sure they were ok with me changing it, which they both agreed was the right move, and liked the idea’s I came up with, I then finalised the plans, props, contacted the set we have used previously and managed to get a slot for the next day, called my sister (the actress) and managed to get her to be available tomorrow, booked some last minute equipment out, and then got ready to film the next morning.

Six Days to Go
Once I get into school, I collect the equipment, then quickly ring round my group to see if any of them are around to help, unfortunately they are both busy, so I took the equipment, planning documents, collect my sister, then head of to the set, it was a very productive morning, as it was only the two of us though, it did take a little longer, so we stayed until lunch time, then dropped her back then came back to school, with the hopes of being able to digitise the footage that afternoon and evening, unfortunately on way out of the media room I fell down the steps and sprained my ankle, so ended up being sent to hospital, which wasn’t very productive. So didn’t manage to finish digitising the footage.

Five Days to Go
Luckily it was only a sprain, so I managed to get back in the next day and carry on digitising the footage, I only had one hour’s worth of free lessons on this day so I finished digitising during that period, then started ruff cutting and editing in the evening. I spent 3 hours after school working on this, but then had to go home so left it ready to be finished in the next few days.

Four Days to Go
I spent every free second I had cutting, editing, laying the sound over, aligning, filtering, adding dissolves, matching colours and lights. But finally in the evening managed to get the new first verse into the video and run the whole thing smoothly, so I then burnt a copy of this version on the video onto yet another DVD and took it home to show a few people. The comments I got included “much better, it’s so much clearer and easier to watch” “it looks really professional, and entertaining” “o wow that’s so much better” which all these comments made me think that it was easier to understand, especially as I showed it to someone who hadn’t seen the previous versions and they understood the plot straight off. So I was pleased with the result, now just to finish touching up the ancillary tasks.

Three Days to Go
Once I had shown the changes to the rest of my group, who all agreed it was much better. We finished working on the ancillary tasks, Bobbi had almost finished Cutting out the Band members, so I took one of them and so did charlotte, and we managed to finish cutting them out in the next hour, so we then added in the back ground and put them into the magazine advert, Bobbi then added the titles. Then I started on the final ancillary task, the DVD cover, this was fairly easy and managed to add in the colour scheme, photos and text.

Two Days to Go
With two days to we managed to finish the DVD cover and Magazine advert quite early on in the day. So with a few hours to the deadline, after checking everything I decided to create a design for the CD as we had check and double checked everything and had a spare few hours. We made the back ground colour purple or black, and then added a picture of the band, and the song title.

One Day to Go
We finished the CD design and did a final run through of everything. Once we had made sure it was all complete and of a high standard, we put all the ancillary tasks in to a folder and exported the video into QuickTime, ready to play and load onto you tube etc.
Exporting the footage

Deadline Day
We handed in the finished pieces on the deadline, but I was very pleased with the standard, and think it was well worth the extra effort to make it of a higher standard. I’m pleased with the quality and the tenacity in which I worked, and proud of the final product.

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