Sunday 18 April 2010

Putting our plans into action – meeting the band

After finalising our idea’s I contacted Duncan who is the bands manager, to arrange a date that we could all attend, after a few attempts we managed to decided on the 8th of October, so we made our final plans and created a booklet of information with all our planning items in to present to Tramp Etiquette in a professional way.
When it came to the day of meeting Tramp Etiquette unfortunately Bobbi had other plans so she wasn’t able to attend but Charlotte and I met with the band in Tring, where they come from and ran though our ideas, they liked the concept allot and where very excited to be having a video made from them.
We asked if they had any constructive criticisms for us, the only one they could come up with is that at the end of the video they boyfriends gets his own back and gets over the girl, so after talking this idea through with them, we realised we wouldn’t have enough time to show him getting his revenge, but we would close the video with a sign that he is over her, hence the setting the photo’s alight. But other than this they were delighted with the idea, so we then set a date and time to film them and said our goodbyes

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